Poor Peoples Campaign
Poor People´s Campaign
Am 9.11.2014 unterzeichneten im Allianz Forum Berlin am Rand der Feierlichkeiten zum 25jährigen Jubiläum der Grenzöffnung neben dem früheren sowjetischen Staats- und Parteichef Michail Gorbatschow weitere ca 30 Personen des Öffentlichen Lebens und Mitglieder des Club of Rome die Proklamation "Martin Luther King jr. Poor Peoples Campaign".
Der Wortlaut der Proklamation:
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Poor People´s Campaign Global Corporate Round TablePresident Mikhail Gorbachev, Chairperson
Hereby issues this "Proclamation of special commemoration to the German people" in recognition of their highest standards of social justice, equal oppurtinity and environmental integrity. We do also hereby set forth the following principles and goals of the global community:
Peace thruogh reconcilation;
Help for the poor & suffering;
Social justice and equity;
Stewardship of the planet;
Defense of global human rights;
Economic equality and education.
Cinema for Peace Heroes Gala: 25 Jahre nach dem Mauerfall
MARTIN LUTHER KING memorial, BERLIN and sclc leader participates in berlin wall events
Gorbatschows 90. Geburtstag: Dank an einen Wegbereiter der deutschen Einheit
Markus Meckel · 2. März 2021
SCLC President Joins Forces with Gorbachev in Peace Effort - 18.11.2014
Martin Luther King, Jr's Poor People's Campaign Going Global · 08.10.2014
Martin Luther King Jr.’s Poor People Campaign Going Global · 22.01.2014
Poor People´s Campaign · Wikipedia
Poor People´s Campaign Official Site
Poor People´s Campaign · Martin Luther King jr. and the global freedom struggle · stanford
Poor People's Campaign: A Dream Unfulfilled · npr 19.06.2008
The Unfinished Business of the Poor People’s Campaign · AFSC
William Barber Takes on Poverty and Race in the Age of Trump · The New Yorker · 14.05.2018
Hundreds arrested as activists pick up where Martin Luther King left off · The Guardian · 14.05.2018